Provides a broad-spectrum of cultural and educational programs within music, visual arts, literature, film, performing arts and multi-genre activities that enrich the palette of Bratislava’s cultural scene with different formats of events.
Please register with your ticket and reserve
the capacity for the events you want to atttend

We invite you to a concert in the neighboring cultural center A4 - Space for Contemporary Culture in the center of Bratislava!
Admission free for participants of the TEH Camp meeting - registration required.

Welcome everyone! You must all be hungry on the way to us, but don't worry. Our local bistro Dvanásť Duší will take care of everything, whose team cooks special delicacies from local ingredients!
Drinks are provided by Skrytý bar and sweet doping by Giraffe bakery.

This DISCE Co-creation Lab will examine public space, both conceptual and physical, and its importance in providing citizens with an accessible and safe place where they can explore their ideas, concepts, creativity and ambitions. Creating such public space is an opportunity to engage people in investing and building a shared future in ways that enable societal development through collective empowerment and responsibility. This concept of public space can include cultural centres, city planning, individual and community development and inclusive practices. For it to work there needs to be trust and positive relationships between all potential stakeholders: decision and policy makers, initiators and users. The proposition is that in these times, working together for a shared outcome is the only way to address the major challenges humanity is facing.
Speakers: Jonathan Gross (Keynote, UK), Mišo Hudák (East Coast, SK), Francesco Campagnari (University of Venice, IT), Representative of Nová Cvernovka SK...
#session #wednesday
Welcome to TEH CAMP MEETING 92! You will hear about this year's main topic - Trust, from Šymon Kliman, co-founder of Nová Cvernovka, who is also responsible for this year's conference program. It will be followed up by a speech by our new Managing Director Tiffany Fukuma, together with a few words from Irena Boljuncic from TEH Executive Committee. And at last, Paula Poštolková, program director of Nová Cvernovka will give you all the practical information and hints about the Camp Meeting in NC, so you could feel like home here.
Speakers: Šymon Kliman (co-founder of Nová Cvernovka), Tiffany Fukuma (Managing Director TEH), Irena Boljuncic (TEH), Paula Poštolková (Nová Cvernovka)
#opening #thursday
How a crew of inexperienced guys needed to gain trust of the community, politicians, banks, neighbors… Or as one smart person said: it's a story of a unicorn that rides a bike and has no idea how the engine works.
Speakers: Branislav Čavoj & Boris Meluš (Co-founders of Nová Cvernovka)
#opening #thursday
Vik Maraj coaches leaders around the world to produce breakthrough results. His unique ability to hear what's really at the heart of their issues provides leaders with an unexpected clarity and confidence in resolving even the most challenging problems. Apparently, complex issues become dead simple. Remarkably, leaders accomplish much more while also experiencing a significant elevation in their level of satisfaction and quality of life.
Speaker: Vik Maraj (President at Unstoppable Conversations, Business Culture Transformation, Executive Performance)
#opening #thursday
Let's find out who will become a new member of Trans Europe Halles!

This workshop is conceived and designed as a space for personal and group research on the topic of our own fears that prevent us from believing first of all in our potentials and just then in the intentions of the people around us. Through a series of dramatic exercises, games and improvisations, we will spontaneously and easily enter a zone outside of what is comfortable and safe and step into the field of the unknown, the other and the different. We will explore ways and strategies to develop trust in others. We will also try to discover the core of our vulnerability and understand how to remain open to it without fear, believing that we are capable of surviving in a good spirit. The workshop will contain a series of exercises that will include work on personal material, cooperation in pairs and groups, expression through movement, sound, speech, emotions.
Be sure to come in a comfortable wardrobe.
Speaker: Aleksandra Jelić
#society #thursday #workshop
An interactive Event from Dana Caspersen & MichaelDouglas Kollektiv
Field of action where choreography and conflict resolution meet. In this interactive event, there is no performance and no spectators, instead simple actions such as walking, sitting and talking become tools for reflection and interaction as the participants consider: What is our role in the creation or unbuilding of systems of polarization?
Speakers: MichaelDouglas Kollektiv
The project is supported by: NPN (National performance netz), Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Goethe institute Slovakia and MichaelDouglas Kollektiv.
#networking #society #thursday #workshop
During COVID19, culture was our lung, wasn’t it? It is arts and culture that connected us (even digitally) to each other and kept us sane! But, there is not even one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) dedicated to culture! This has to change! And it has to change now. Join us in this online interactive workshop with Jordi Pascual and to understand which of the 17 SDGs are connected to your work, which are the most significant for your work and why!
Speakers: Jordi Pascual (Coordinator of the committee on Culture of UCLG), Marta Llobet (Consultor for the committee on Culture of UCLG)
#future #thursday #workshop
Sustainability topics have been deeply woven in the fabric of all TEH members since the very beginning.
The unsustainable nature of human development and the exploitation of natural resources and human capital has led to the current overall crises, like COVID that has impacted us all like nothing before. Everybody has their unique perspective on sustainability, but if we want to recover and develop we need to find common ground, work together for solutions and move them to the top of every agenda.
So, how can we benefit from and shape current initiatives like the New European Bauhaus for this purpose? Is the European Green Deal inclusive of culture? The cultural sector, we believe, should have a leadership role in this recovery. In order to build this momentum we want to start a sustainability hub to launch a movement full of expertise, creativity and courage, moving towards a brighter future. It is all about building trust in arts and culture, as an accelerator of sustainable change.
Therefore we invite you to attend short introductions about past efforts and actual projects, as well as an open round to discuss how to go on together.

Political situation in Belarus is getting more severe every day. International cultural organizations are banished from the country, while independent cultural actors are being repressed, unlawfully imprisoned, humiliated, left without their venues. In such a situation, Trans Europe Halles cannot stand aside. We are inviting you to map ways and tools we can use to support Belarusian artists and cultural workers in exile and those who are still working in their country. Let's think of what we can do together and show the best spirit of the Trans Europe Halles network in reacting to today's problems.
#session #society #thursday #workshop
Seven years ago, 13 music venues from all over Europe came together to launch an initiative that would allow them to bring more European diversity to their stages and audiences. Fast- forward to today and Liveurope has become a true success story gathering 21internationally acclaimed venues. Thanks to support from Creative Europe, the member venues have been booking on average 63%* more emerging non-national European artists than before the launch of the platform (*pre-Covid). This means nearly 3,000 artists got the opportunity to tour beyond their national borders and play on some of Europe’s most iconic stages.
One of the main drivers of success of Liveurope is the tight-knit network of like-minded venues pursuing shared ambitions. Join this session to learn about the ingenious working model of the platform and discover its ambitions for the future.
Speaker: Fernando Bittencourt Hersan (Liveurope - the live music platform for new European talent)
#financing #networking #society #thursday
A morning warm-up can look completely different than you would expect!
Get to know the hand-held mowing tool - the scythe which was used by our ancestors thousands of years ago and is still used today. We will explain the individual components and their influence on the almost perfect ergonomics, which ensures minimal effort with the correct mowing technique. We will show how to sharpe the scythe and why it achieves such sharpness. We will try the mowing technique on demanding autumn grass - thus ending a short workshop.

Pressink is a letterpress and creative workspace based in Nová Cvernovka. The Studio was established in 2016 by graphic designer Kristína Uhráková and its first functional space dedicated to letterpress in Slovakia. Studio works with limited collection of metal and wood type and two german proof presses FAG Standard AP 510 and Korrex Hannover. As well as using traditional printing techniques, the studio uses new technologies like laser cut and polymer to produce bespoke limited artworks. Workshop will mainly focus on a traditional printing technique, from manual typesetting, manual layout experimentation, inking and it will also teach you how to operate a proof press. After the design process, the participants will produce a letterpress printed typographic poster.
#thursday #workshop #yourself
At the workshop, visitors will be able to try out the process of traditional graphic techniques, namely linocut, woodcut and hand typing-letterpress. During the time spent in the studio, people get a basic overview from the design through implementation to the result itself in the form of a printout. The visitor will leave with theoretical and practical experience in the field of traditional graphic techniques.
#thursday #workshop #yourself
Walk-in workshop for everyone who wants to personalize their TEH conference bag. We got the tools, materials and experience. You know what it takes to make your bag fit your needs and meet your deepest desires. You can also come by for any repair: together we fix lost buttons, torn t-shirts, broken hearts. Reclaim your trust in your broken parts.
#ecology #future #sustainability #thursday #workshop
Pottery workshop led by Nikola Čemanová can be a combination of clay work techniques, one-time meditation, craft therapy, a romantic date (for couples), rehabilitation of heart fractures or a gift for your mother.
During the workshop, she will guide you through the mysteries of this archaic mass, guiding you through the basics of spinning on a potter's wheel and / or hand modeling.
In the studio there is a potter's wheel, basic tools for working with ceramics, modeling materials and kiln firing.

After a brief introduction to composting, we will focus exclusively on hot compost on site with our four-chamber simple composting system, which works on a manual drive. Using a specific example, we will explain exactly what such composting is all about, how we can achieve up to 70 degrees Celsius, everything we can spoil, how dangerous it can be and especially how important it is for our existence.
On one of the composts, we will test what it is like to work with and look at what is going on in it. Finally, we will briefly introduce our project for an automatic composter, which we are developing.

Tomáš Sloboda is a musician, composer, music producer and leader of the band Le Payaco. He has been performing as a DJ selector under the name God Save The Vinyl for almost a decade. His musical selection, played only with the original vinyl records of his private collection, is very diverse in genre: blues, rock'n'roll, reggae, rock, punk, new wave, funk, grunge, indie rock or brit pop. The main goal is to entertain, pleasantly surprise and bring a relaxed, pleasant to home atmosphere among the people, which can sometimes turn into a wild party.
#evening #networking #thursday
Our community sauna will provide you with pleasant relaxation throughout the conference day. In the Finnish sauna, you can completely relax and cool off in the water bath.
This project was created as part of the festival: White Night - "Tropical Night" - and its transparency responds to openness.
Don't forget to bring a gentle dose of exhibitionism and a towel!

Don't worry, you won't be hungry with us. Our local bistro Dvanásť Duší, whose team cooks special delicacies from local ingredients, will take care of everything!
Drinks will be provided by Skrytý bar and sweet doping by Giraffe Bakery.

Don't worry, you won't be hungry with us. Our local bistro Dvanásť Duší will take care of everything, whose team cooks special delicacies from local ingredients!
Drinks will be provided by Skrytý bar and sweet doping by Giraffe Bakery.

This is a closed session for the Spaces of Transformation in Arts Education (SPOTing) consortium. SPOTing is led by TEH and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project consists of a consortium with 8 TEH members from Sweden, Italy, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Slovakia, France and Austria + TEH. Many of TEH's members conduct cultural educational activities of various kinds, and the purpose of the project is to stimulate professional development and knowledge transfer between the cultural educators. The goal is to strengthen the participation of cultural educators in their profession and to critically reflect on methods and working methods for developing and strengthening cultural pedagogy as a field internationally. The project consists of annual seminars and test beds that are carried out at each cultural centre. A researcher will follow the project and the results will be presented in the form of a case studies.
#session #thursday
Since 2017, the TEH Startup Support Programme has worked with 13 emerging centres, across the Balkans, Southern European, Eastern Partnership and the Caucasus. Almost all of them will be represented in Bratislava. So this is the moment to share knowledge built, ambitions accomplished, dreams shattered and mistakes celebrated. We will do so in a relay, each startup passing on experiences to the next. All in the company of the mentors from these 4 years: Ada Arduini, Chris Keulemans, Irena Boljunčić Gracin and Mykhailo Glubokyi.
#friday #future #session
"How can cultural workers keep their spark alive?" This question has been at the heart of the Penguin Project and will be the lynchpin of this workshop. We will use some core metaphors of the project – among others obviously the famous penguin metaphor – to inspire introspection, provide you with a new perspective on your relationship with your culture centre, and facilitate group discussion and sense making.
After the workshop you will hopefully be more aware of what charges and what drains you at work and maybe you'll even have some initial ideas about what to change to make the deal a bit more fair and sustainable.
Speakers: Florian Cope-Ladstätter and Shawn Antoni Wright (Die Bäckerei - Kulturbackstube)
#friday #workshop #yourself
Antena network is a national network of Slovak independent culture centres. At the moment it has 31 member organisations.
Antena has functioned since 2009 and is still growing. We will introduce its history and present work. Come and talk to us if you are interested in networking, national or international. We are happy to share our know-how but also hear about your ideas and experience regarding culture-organisations networking.
Speakers: Beáta Seberíniová (Anténa network Co-ordinator), Michal Klembara (director at Malý Berlín, chairman of Anténa network), Zuzana Psotková (actor, performer, managing director at Tabačka Kulturfabrik)
#(local)governments #friday #networking #session #society
Is organizing a festival without waste possible? The popular street market and festival Dobrý trh (Good Market) made radical changes in their waste management in 2017 and since has taught more than hundred organizations in Slovakia what they have learned. This lecture is for anyone who is interested in changing their mindset on trash and bringing zero waste in practice for their events.
(After the lecture, you are also invited to part 2: a practical workshop on how to create your own festival without waste.)
Speaker: Illah van Oijen
#ecology #friday #future #session #sustainability
Tired of buzzwords? Sick of seeing “social inclusion” used to “tick the diversity box” to make donors happy? Want to work with this topic but scared to make mistakes and don’t know where to start? Then join us in this session. TEH and 9 other production houses and art centers are starting “The Cultural Transformation Movement” to reduce social inequalities in the European cultural sector by making social justice for marginalised artists non-questionable, and making the cultural sector representative of the multiplicity of its diverse voices, from audience and content development to technical and support functions, all the way to the transformation of cultural leadership.
Speakers: Emelie Chhangur (Director/Curator of Agnes Etherington Art Centre- Ontario) and Zuzana Ernst (Brunnenpassage's Deputy Artistic Director), Tiffany Fukuma (TEH MD) and Fairooz Tamimi (Social Sustainability Specialist)
#friday #networking #session #yourself
Trust - everyone wants it. But very few have it. Why? Human beings are incredibly smart at detecting even the slightest flaw in the way someone speaks. But most people are so concerned about WHAT they are saying they never pay attention to how they SHOW UP for others. Almost all leadership and communications training are about what to say and how to say it. Very little training deals with how you "show up" for others. As a result, most leaders wind up saying the "right" things and making logical arguments, but in the end are still viewed as ordinary, as unremarkable, as someone that doesn't really stand out. These leaders might even be seen as smart, or driven, or compassionate, or like-minded, but still not held as someone who is profoundly trustworthy. Those that choose to follow them, often base their decision on the fact that they are "better than the alternative" or "think like me" - not because of a deep sense of trust. What if it were possible for you to show up in such a way that your trustworthiness was unmistakable. What if it were possible to create immense trust in seconds and minutes with complete strangers? This is what this talk will explore and even make possible.
Speaker: Vik Maraj (President at Unstoppable Conversations, Business Culture Transformation, Executive Performance)
#friday #networking #session #society #workshop
When working in an organization it all boils down to trust. You have to have confidence in your own abilities and capacities; you can do your own work well when you can rely on others; is it necessary to be sure about the others or is it sufficient to believe them; how to deal with mistrust or even suspicion; and how to restore trust when it is violated. These and others aspects in relation with your own experiences define what you can expect when working in teams to make your organization run well. After my introduction on these issues I will suggest dealing with some cases that can be brought up by the participants of this workshop.
Speaker: Erik Backer (Interim manager Melkweg, Ambassador of TEH)
#friday #networking #sociaty #workshop
TEH EastHub is a subnetwork of cultural centres and organisations coming from the Central and Eastern European region. Session meeting will follow up the previous meetings with the aim to keep in touch with all the members; to learn from other’s experience on surviving during the covid crisis; to discuss further steps to build communication and collaboration together; to choose hub’s next working themes and to explore possible funding options
#friday #networking #yourself
Co-creation Session on the topic of sustainable cultural spaces. There is a lot of research on sustainable events and buildings, let us share what Nova Cvernovka and UfaFabrik have already done and what are we planning to do regarding sustainable Cultural spaces and then together with you, we would like to discuss, brainstorm and talk about new measurements to save energy, lower environmental impact and communicate better about this topic.
#ecology #friday #future #session #sustainability
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is (or should be) a key topic for everyone involved in arts and culture. We will take a deep dive into how ticketing can be used to achieve this.
Speaker: Stephen Rimmer (Founder and CEO Tickets for Good)
#financing #friday #networking #session #society
An unique opportunity for Anténa Network centers to meet with representatives from international cultural Institutes and embassies that are based in Bratislava. They recently formed a great network of their own, called EUNIC. So network meeting a network within a TEH network a.k.a Ultimate Networking! The Speed meeting will end with a small reception in a beautiful setting of the Ateliér Svetlik.
(Invitation only)

Chi-kung morning warm-up - activates and mobilizes your body and energizes it. Together with the dancer and choreographer Katarína Brestovanská, you will be able to handle these simple exercises even without previous movement experience. Cultivating the body through qigong allows you to walk joints, increase body flexibility, move mental processes and replenish energy.
#friday #mental-health #workshop #yourself
A morning warm-up can look completely different than you would expect!
Get to know the hand-held mowing tool - the scythe which was used by our ancestors thousands of years ago and is still used today. We will explain the individual components and their influence on the almost perfect ergonomics, which ensures minimal effort with the correct mowing technique. We will show how to sharpe the scythe and why it achieves such sharpness. We will try the mowing technique on demanding autumn grass - thus ending a short workshop.

For those who do not feel like morning exercise or grass moving - you can start the day with Disco Dance and Music! And not just that - Nová Cvernovka founders Braňo, Boris & Šymon will serve you fresh pancakes. Can you imagine a better start of the day?
#breakfast #friday #pancakes #yourself
Pressink is a letterpress and creative workspace based in Nová Cvernovka. The Studio was established in 2016 by graphic designer Kristína Uhráková and its first functional space dedicated to letterpress in Slovakia. Studio works with limited collection of metal and wood type and two german proof presses FAG Standard AP 510 and Korrex Hannover. As well as using traditional printing techniques, the studio uses new technologies like laser cut and polymer to produce bespoke limited artworks. Workshop will mainly focus on a traditional printing technique, from manual typesetting, manual layout experimentation, inking and it will also teach you how to operate a proof press. After the design process, the participants will produce a letterpress printed typographic poster.
#friday #workshop #yourself
At the workshop, visitors will be able to try out the process of traditional graphic techniques, namely linocut, woodcut and hand typing - letterpress. During the time spent in the studio, people get a basic overview from the design through implementation to the result itself in the form of a printout. The visitor will leave with theoretical and practical experience in the field of traditional graphic techniques.
#friday #workshop #yourself
Pottery workshop led by Nikola Čemanová can be a combination of clay work techniques, one-time meditation, craft therapy, a romantic date (for couples), rehabilitation of heart fractures or a gift for your mother.
During the workshop, she will guide you through the mysteries of this archaic mass, guiding you through the basics of spinning on a potter's wheel and / or hand modeling.In the studio there is a potter's wheel, basic tools for working with ceramics, modeling materials and kiln firing.

Walk-in workshop for everyone who wants to personalize their TEH conference bag. We got the tools, materials and experience. You know what it takes to make your bag fit your needs and meet your deepest desires. You can also come by for any repair: together we fix lost buttons, torn t-shirts, broken hearts. Reclaim your trust in your broken parts.
#ecology #friday #future #sustainability #workshop
Networking doesn't have to be just an empty word. Let's have a party break together with FVLCRVM Live, Peal and God and Eve!
Fvlcrvm alias Pišta Kráľovič is a Slovak producer, composer, instrumentalist, singer and DJ. His music is characterized by distinctive beats and organic melodies, inspired by the Japanese electronic scene or the U.S.A. and styles like grime, future beats or footwork.
Peal, one of the best DJs on the Bratislava underground scene, plays techno - experimentally, even with a touch of EBM, or house. His sets are playful, non-linear and striking.
God & Eve is a genre-diverse music project with elements of art pop, jazz or psychedelia. Live musical instruments complemented by electronics and rich vocals.
#evening #friday
Our community sauna will provide you with pleasant relaxation throughout the conference day. In the Finnish sauna, you can completely relax and cool off in the water bath. This project was created as part of the festival: White Night - "Tropical Night" - and its transparency responds to openness.Don't forget to bring a gentle dose of exhibitionism and a towel!
#evening #friday #mental-health #yourself
For those who do not feel like morning exercise or grass moving - you can start the day with Disco Dance and Music! And not just that - Nová Cvernovka founders Braňo, Boris & Šymon will serve you fresh pancakes. Can you imagine a better start of the day?
#breakfast #friday #pancakes #yourself
Don't worry, you won't be hungry with us. Our local bistro Dvanásť Duší, whose team cooks special delicacies from local ingredients, will take care of everything!
Drinks will be provided by Skrytý bar and sweet doping by Giraffe Bakery.

Don't worry, you won't be hungry with us. Our local bistro Dvanásť Duší, whose team cooks special delicacies from local ingredients, will take care of everything!
Drinks will be provided by Skrytý bar and sweet doping by Giraffe Bakery.

This is a closed session for the Spaces of Transformation in Arts Education (SPOTing) consortium. SPOTing is led by TEH and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project consists of a consortium with 8 TEH members from Sweden, Italy, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Slovakia, France and Austria + TEH. Many of TEH's members conduct cultural educational activities of various kinds, and the purpose of the project is to stimulate professional development and knowledge transfer between the cultural educators. The goal is to strengthen the participating of cultural educators in their profession and to critically reflect on methods and working methods for developing and strengthening cultural pedagogy as a field internationally. The project consists of annual seminars and test beds that are carried out at each cultural centre. A researcher will follow the project and the results will be presented in the form of case studies.
#friday #session
Group discussion with the members and the Managing Director.
This session is only for TEH delegates!

TEH is run in a decentralised way; the member centres participate in the decision-making of the network during the network meetings. Each centre has one vote regardless of its size or economic status. The Executive Committee, selected biannually, is the governing and policy making body of the network. New members of the Executive Committee will be selected at this meeting.
Cultural events and organizations are typically seen as luxury or entertainment requiring state or private sponsorship with little accountability. Applying methods that measure and explain the impact of culture on local and national economies can radically reframe this image. Seen from this perspective, culture is an enabler and multiplier contributing to regional economies as much as to ecosystems of production and innovation. The presentation by an architect and urbanist Samu Szemerey, will discuss measuring the impact of cultural events and organizations, and provide some case studies of using cultural programming for achieving economic and development goals.
#networking #saturday #session #sociaty
Is organizing a festival without waste possible? The popular street market and festival Dobry trh (Good Market) made radical changes in their waste management in 2017 and since has taught more than hundred organizations in Slovakia what they have learned. This workshop is for anyone who is interested in reducing their waste production on events in a fun, and most important, effective way.
(The workshop is a follow up from the lecture: Your festival without waste: How we did it - but attending the lecture is not required for joining the workshop.)
Speakers: Illah van Oijen, Zuzana Macurová, Jana Vašáková
#ecology #future #saturday #sustainability #workshop
How can we deliver TEH's valuable work in a sustainable way? In this session we will jointly start forming the concept of “slow networking”. We will build on the ideas of slow art and slow food, but adapt it to the networking context and shape it in our own way. At the end of the session we will have formulated the basic ideas and content of the concept in writing as well as visualised.
Speaker: Hanna Olsson (Project Manager at TEH coordination office)
#networking #saturday #society
TEH EastHub is a subnetwork of cultural centres and organisations coming from the Central and Eastern European region. Session will discuss possibilities to develop project with topic of cultural heritage within the EastHub.
Speakers: Mykhailo Glubokyi (development director of IZOLYATSIA), Michal Klembara (director at Malý Berlín, chairman of Anténa network)
#saturday #society
Questions of Trust are an intimate situation facilitated by two members of the Studio ALTA team. Founder and artistic director Lucia Kašiarová and curator Petr Dlouhý. The content of the meeting is to look for individual levels in which trust manifests, develops, gives birth to, anchors and above all an awareness of the horizons of our imagination. Where can our trust go, what are our abilities of trust towards others, but also towards ourselves?
Questions of Trust arise on the ground plan of a somatic practice emphasizing sensitivity, receptivity and care, and the tarot practice of imagination and questioning.
Speakers: Lucia Kašiarová (Artistic director at Studio ALTA), Petr Dlouhý (Curator at Studio ALTA)
#capacity #saturday #session #yourself
Chi-kung morning warm-up - activates and mobilizes your body and energizes it. Together with the dancer and choreographer Katarína Brestovanská, you will be able to handle these simple exercises even without previous movement experience. Cultivating the body through qigong allows you to walk joints, increase body flexibility, move mental processes and replenish energy.
#mental-health #saturday #workshop #yourself
After a brief introduction to composting, we will focus exclusively on hot compost on site with our four-chamber simple composting system, which works on a manual drive. Using a specific example, we will explain exactly what such composting is all about, how we can achieve up to 70 degrees Celsius, everything we can spoil, how dangerous it can be and especially how important it is for our existence.
On one of the composts, we will test what it is like to work with and look at what is going on in it. Finally, we will briefly introduce our project for an automatic composter, which we are developing.

In Nová Cvernovka we have a strong tradition for community work. Basically this whole place wouldn't exist without it. And as it goes with cultural and creative centers - it’s never finished! That's why we kindly invite you to help us and be part of our Community Squad! We will work together in the park, garden and other premises. We have work tools and gloves ready for you! As a reward we will enjoy sauna and special hot pot meal together and get ready for the MEGAŽÚR #2 in the bar.
#networking #saturday #society #yourself
TEH Camp Meeting Bratislava simply rules! Let's discover the best of our DJ's talents - based and still settled in Nova Cvernovka.
Blame Your Genes combines genres such as house, electropop or breakbeat and his sets and live shows bring the dance floor to the boil.
MtotheG is the founder of ajlavmjuzik, publisher, producer, promoter and collector of vinyls, at the same time a big fan of J Dill and as a DJ / selector he plays music mostly from vinyl records.
Italo Mario Italo - Italo disco at its best, Mario is the guy you want to be around when things go wild.
Matwe is a multi-genre DJ from Slovakia with a special passion for industrial techno, EBM and dark electro.
#evening #saturday
Our community sauna will provide you with pleasant relaxation throughout the conference day. In the Finnish sauna, you can completely relax and cool off in the water bath. This project was created as part of the festival: White Night - "Tropical Night" - and its transparency responds to openness.
Don't forget to bring a gentle dose of exhibitionism and a towel!

Don't worry, you won't be hungry with us. Our local bistro Dvanásť Duší, whose team cooks special delicacies from local ingredients, will take care of everything!Drinks will be provided by Skrytý bar and sweet doping by Giraffe Bakery.
##lunch ##saturday
Don't worry, you won't be hungry with us. Our local bistro Dvanásť Duší, whose team cooks special delicacies from local ingredients, will take care of everything!
Drinks will be provided by Skrytý bar and sweet doping by Giraffe Bakery.

Come on a trip with us!
We will visit local vineyards full of interesting places, locations and sights associated with the present and past of viticulture in the Bratislava district of Rača.